Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy
Thermex believe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about understanding the business' impact on the wider world and how we can influence this impact in a positive way. CSR is fundamentally an umbrella term to encapsulate how the company impacts and engages with the following:
(i) The environment
(ii) Employees
(iii)The community
(iv) Suppliers
In order to achieve our objective, Thermex ensure annual audits are undertaken to review the each of the above areas.
Thermex are committed to ensuring that we reduce our environmental impact, and continue to improve our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. Climate change is the latest issue Thermex is supporting in this manner, by introducing our customer base to new and superior processes, we can achieve a global result.
Thermex strive to achieve equality of opportunity and diversity in all its employment practices, policies and procedures. We are committed to ensuring we have a healthy and educated workforce, whose views are listened to and respected. Thermex nurture ambition and ensure that all employees are able to develop relevant skills and knowledge to enrich their contribution and carve their own career path.
Thermex value the local community and believe in supporting resident businesses. This helps to create mutually supportive relationships and also supports the economic growth of the sector and country.
Thermex are committed to ensuring that all our suppliers have good business ethics and meet the standards we hold in high esteem. We aim to develop relationships built on shared trust and communal responsibility.
Strategic CSR
The company has made savings through improving our carbon footprint. This enables Thermex to pass on the benefits through channelling some of these savings to projects such as those above. A relatively small amount of money can make a big difference when targeted carefully. Through combining our efforts with other organisations, focusing on quality projects which we feel will make a big difference, Thermex can influence our contribution and punch above our weight in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Global Guidelines
Thermex believe in The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work The International Labour Organisation has identified the following core labour standards:
(i) Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
(ii) The elimination of forced and compulsory labour
(iii) The abolition of child labour
(iv) The elimination of discrimination in the workplace
The OECD Guidelines are a set of government-backed standards for responsible business conduct in areas such as employment and industrial relations, human rights, the environment, information disclosure, combating bribery, consumer interests, science and technology, competition, and taxation.